Saturday, December 17, 2011

Arithmetic Word Problems

Arithmetic Word Problems

1.   You bought three toys for your sister.  One $5.75, another
      for $4.35 and the third one for $6.55.  You gave $20.00 bill
      to pay for the toys, how much money you get back?

2.   During the vacation trip Alice flew 3,400 miles the first day,
      2,500 miles the fifthday, and 3,450 miles the last day.  How
      many miles did Alice fly during the trip?

3.   A river flows at a speed of 3 miles per hour over the first
      30 miles, twice as fast over its second 20 miles, and three
      times as fast during the last 10 miles.  At what speed does
      the river flow in the last 10 miles?

4.   A soccer player receives the ball at a speed of 25 miles per
      hour and passes it twice as fast to a player who kicks it into 
      the goal one and one-half times faster than that, scoring a 
      goal.  At what speed is the ball kicked into the goal?

5.   Jordon had $5,500 in his bank account and withdrew $1,220
      from it on Monday, $540 on Tuesday, and $2,340 on
      Wednesday.  How much money does he has left in his

6.   Donald spent $10.75 for pizza, $4.50 for salad, $6.52 for 
      fries and $5.00 for juice.  Donald paid with a $50.00 bill.
      How much change did he gets?

7.   The steps of a staircase in a building are 9 inches tall.  How 
      many steps are needed to go from one floor to the next if the
      floor height in the building is 9 feet?

8.   Seventy-five employees of a company buy a lotto ticket
      together and win $22.5 million.  How much does each
      employee win?

9.   The flying distance between two cities is 4,500 miles and it
      takes 8 hours to cover the distance by plane.  At what
      average speed do planes fly between the two cities in miles
      per hour?

10.  Mary buys one pint of vanilla ice cream, one of straw-berry
       and one of chocolate at the same price for a total of $5.97.  
       How much does the ice cream cost per pint?

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Mental Math Problems

Mental Math Problems

1.  The number of edges of a cylinder plus number of sides
     of a square is equal to __________________.

2.  The value of 'n' in the equation '5n+10 = 20' is

3.  The value of the unknown number in the equation :
     24 x ? = 28 + 20 is _________________.

4.  Approximately how many hours does a person sleep in
     5 weeks?  _____________________.

5.  500 nickels = __________ dimes or ___________ quarters.

6.  Melisa is 4 years younger than Selina.  Selina is 2 years
     older than Manu.  The sum od their ages is 18 years. 
     How ole is Manu? __________________.

7.  100 hundreds - 700 ones + 270 tens = ? ______________.

8.  180/20+105x20 ? ______________.

9.  The sum of 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10 = ? _____________.

10. The GCF of 24, 72, and 144 is ? _____________

Friday, December 9, 2011

Menu Word Problems

Menu Word Problems

Onion Fries = $1.75                                        Coca Cola = $1.10
French Fries = $1.50                                       Ice Cream Cone = $2.50
Bagel = $1.25                                                  Milk Shake = $2.70
Cheese Burger = $4.50                                  Taco = $2.20

Answer the Menu Word Problems -

1.   Sandra purchases an order of French fries and an Ice  
      cream cone.  How much money will she get back if she
      pays $5.00?

2.   What is the total cost of an Ice cream cone and an order
      of Bagel?

3.   What is the total cost of an order of French fries, a Coca
      cola and an ice cream cone?

4.   What is the total cost of Onion rings, Milk shake and Cheese

5.   Celena purchases a Cheese burger, an Ice cream cone and
      a Bagel.  How much money will she get back if she pays

6.   Samy wants to buy a Coca cola.  How much money will he

7.   What is the total cost of a Cheese burger?

8.   Williams purchases an Ice cream cone, an order of French
      fries and a Milk shake.  If he had $10.00, how much money
      would he have to pay?

9.   If Ellen wanted to buy an order of French fries and Taco,
      how much would she have to pay?

10.  If Jason wanted to buy an Ice cream cone and a Coca cola,
       how much money would he have to pay?

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Word Problems

Word Problems

1.  Write a number that is less than 700, greater than 600 and has
      0 tens.

2.   How many multiples of 10 are there from 245 to 375?

3.   How many times would the digit 5 be printed in writing the
      numbers 1 to 250?

4.   How many different ways can you show $13.35 using loonies,
      quarters, dimes and pennies?

5.   Which number is closest to 79 879?

      a) 79 989        b) 79 889     c) 99 879     d) 69 879

6)   Round the number to the nearest 100.  13,764

7)   Find two numbers, whose difference is 585.  Now find three
       other pairs of numbers whose difference is 585?

8)   Find two numbers whose sum is 946.  Now find three other
       pairs of numbers whose sum is 946?

9)   Jacob delivered 465 flyers.  He has 535 more to deliver.  
      How many flyers did he start with?

10)  Flora signed 538 letters on the weekend and 916 letters during
       the week.  How many did she sign altogether?

11)  Ryan delivered 8786 posters.  Sheree delivered 6394.  Who
        delivered more posters?  How many more?

12)  Katie has 500 invitations to send.  She has sent 388.  How
        many more does she have to send?

13)  A bottle of juice holds enough to fill six glasses.  How many
       bottles would be needed to serve 25 people?

14)  Which number is closest to 4000?

        a) 498      b) 4098     c) 3098      d) 3980     e) 4350

15)  Complete the patterns…………..

        a) 0, 4, 8, 12, --------------------- , 40

        b) 0, 9, 18, 27, -------------------- , 90

        c) 30, 27, 24, 21, ------------------- , 0

        d) 70, 63, 56, 49, ------------------- , 0

16)  Add the following –

      a) 5039 + 7393   b) 2500 + 2948   c) 9983 + 3944   
      d) 3049 + 3093

17)  The school library has 8,096 books.  The same amount of
        books is stored along each of the 4 walls.  How many books
        are along each wall?

18)  There are 7 boxes on a truck.  Each box weighs 650 kilograms. 
        What is the weight of all the boxes?

19)  Miss. Brown travels 1025 kilometers each week.  How many
        kilometers will she travel in 7 weeks?

20)  The seating capacity of a sports arena is 7,560.  The seats are
        arranged in 6 sections of the same size.  How many seats are
        there in each section?

21)  Charles worked 80 problems in 5 days.  He worked the same
        number of problems each day.  How many problems did he
        work each day?

22)  There are 9 rows of tiles on a floor.  There are 18 tiles in each
        row.  How many tiles are there on the floor?

23)  An 8 – story apartment building is 112 feet high.  Each story is
        the same height.  What is the height of each story?

24)  A sheet of plywood weighs 21 kilograms.  What would be the
        weight of 8 sheets?

25)  A company made 4,325 cars in 5 days.  The same number
       of cars was made each day.  How many cars were made
       each day?

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Grade - 4 Math

Grade - 4: (Nelson - Math)

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: Patterns in Mathematics

Chapter 2: Numeration

Chapter 3: Data Management

Chapter 4: Addition and Subtraction

Chapter 5: Measuring Length and Time

Chapter 6: Multiplication and Division Facts

Chapter 7: 2-D Geometry

Chapter 8: Area and Grids

Chapter 9: Multiplying Greater Numbers

Chapter 10: Dividing Greater Numbers

Chapter 11: 3-D Geometry and 3-D Measurement 

Chapter 12: Fractions and Decimals

Chapter 13: Probability

Chapter 14: Patterns and Motion in Geometry

Note :  The following link can take you to get more hands on exercises.

Resources (References):

Grade - 3 Math

Grade - 3: (Nelson - Math)

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: Patterns in Mathematics

Chapter 2: Numeration

Chapter 3: Data Management

Chapter 4: Addition and Subtraction

Chapter 5: Measuring Length, Time, and Temperature

Chapter 6: Adding and Subtracting with Greater Numbers

Chapter 7: 2-D Geometry

Chapter 8: Area and Grids

Chapter 9: Multiplication

Chapter 10: Division

Chapter 11: 3-D Geometry and 3-D Measurement 

Chapter 12: Fractions

Chapter 13: Probability

Chapter 14: Patterns and Motion in Geometry

Note :  The following link can take you to get more hands on exercises.


Grade - 2 Math

Grade - 2: (Nelson - Math)

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: Sorting and Patterning

Chapter 2: Number to 50

Chapter 3: Data Management

Chapter 4: Addition and Subtraction Strategies

Chapter 5: Linear Measurement

Chapter 6: Place Value

Chapter 7: 2-D Geometry

Chapter 8: Two-Digit Addition and Subtraction

Chapter 9: Multiplication and Division

Chapter 10: Measuring Time and Money

Chapter 11: 3-D Geometry and Measurement 

Chapter 12: Fractions

Chapter 13: Probability

Chapter 14: Patterning

Note :  The following link can take you to get more hands on exercises.


Grade -1 Math

Grade - 1: (Nelson - Math)

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: Sorting and Patterning

Chapter 2: Exploring Number

Chapter 3: Data Management

Chapter 4: Introduction to Addtion and Subtraction

Chapter 5: Linear Measurement

Chapter 6: Addition and Subtraction

Chapter 7: Exploring 3-d and 2-d Shapes

Chapter 8: Exploring Greater Numbers

Chapter 9: Measuring Capacity and Mass

Chapter 10: Exploring Time and Money

Chapter 11: 2-D Measurement and Geometry

Chapter 12: Addition and Subtraction Strategies

Chapter 13: Probability

Chapter 14: Patterning

Note :  The following link can take you to get more hands on exercises.


Friday, November 25, 2011

Math Formulae

Math Formulae

1.  Area of a square is  side * Side.

2.  Perimeter of a square is  4 * Side.

3.  Perimeter of a rectangle is 2*(length + width).

4. Area of a rectangle is length * width.

5.  Diameter of a circle is  2 * radius. 

6.  Total angles of a triangle is  180 degrees.

7.  The sum of two even numbers is even number.

8.  The sum of two odd numbers is even number.

9.  The sum of even + odd is odd number.

10. The sum of odd + even is odd number.

11.  The multiplication (product) of two even numbers is even  number.

12.  The multiplication (product) of two odd numbers is odd number.

13. The multiplication (product) of even and odd numbers is even number.

14. The multiplication (product) of odd and even numbers is even number.

15. The total angles of a circle is  360 degrees.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Math Word Problems........

Math Word Problems........

1. At the school sports day, there were 24 races. 
The principal gave 15 first place ribbons to Grade 4
and 9 first place ribbons to Grade 5.  How many
more races did Grade 4 win than Grade 5?

2. In one soccer game, Derek, Ryan, and Kristen
each scored some goals.  How many goals did they
score altogether?

3. Sam is 8 years older than Dave.  Dave is 12 years
old.  How old is Sam?

4. A crocodile first laid a clutch of 69 eggs.  When
she laid eggs again, 129 eggs were counted.  How
many eggs did she lay in all?

5. Alice is playing a game of Toss and score.  She
scored a total of 24 points with 3 tosses.  Where
could his markers have landed?

6. A box of candies costs $7.98.  How much 5 boxes
of candies cost?

7. Mary has 378 stickers.  Lara has 29 fewer stickers
than Mary.  How many stickers does Lara have? 
How many stickers do the girls have in all?

8. Fred, Ram and Suzy share 36 cookies equally. 
How many cookies does each child have?

9. In a school 128 kids collect stamps.  534 kids do
not collect stamps.  How many children go to the

10. Canada became a country in 1867.  At that time, t
here were 4 provinces.  In what year will  Canada
celebrate its 150th birthday?

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Getting Started with Canadian Math

Canadian Math:

Grade - 1: (Nelson - Math)

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: Sorting and Patterning

Chapter 2: Exploring Number

Chapter 3: Data Management

Chapter 4: Introduction to Addtion and Subtraction

Chapter 5: Linear Measurement

Chapter 6: Addition and Subtraction

Chapter 7: Exploring 3-d and 2-d Shapes

Chapter 8: Exploring Greater Numbers

Chapter 9: Measuring Capacity and Mass

Chapter 10: Exploring Time and Money

Chapter 11: 2-D Measurement and Geometry

Chapter 12: Addition and Subtraction Strategies

Chapter 13: Probability

Chapter 14: Patterning

Note :  The following link can take you to get more hands on exercises.

Grade - 2: (Nelson - Math)

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: Sorting and Patterning

Chapter 2: Number to 50

Chapter 3: Data Management

Chapter 4: Addition and Subtraction Strategies

Chapter 5: Linear Measurement

Chapter 6: Place Value

Chapter 7: 2-D Geometry

Chapter 8: Two-Digit Addition and Subtraction

Chapter 9: Multiplication and Division

Chapter 10: Measuring Time and Money

Chapter 11: 3-D Geometry and Measurement 

Chapter 12: Fractions

Chapter 13: Probability

Chapter 14: Patterning

Note :  The following link can take you to get more hands on exercises.

Grade - 3: (Nelson - Math)

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: Patterns in Mathematics

Chapter 2: Numeration

Chapter 3: Data Management

Chapter 4: Addition and Subtraction

Chapter 5: Measuring Length, Time, and Temperature

Chapter 6: Adding and Subtracting with Greater Numbers

Chapter 7: 2-D Geometry

Chapter 8: Area and Grids

Chapter 9: Multiplication

Chapter 10: Division

Chapter 11: 3-D Geometry and 3-D Measurement 

Chapter 12: Fractions

Chapter 13: Probability

Chapter 14: Patterns and Motion in Geometry

Note :  The following link can take you to get more hands on exercises.

Grade - 4: (Nelson - Math)

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: Patterns in Mathematics

Chapter 2: Numeration

Chapter 3: Data Management

Chapter 4: Addition and Subtraction

Chapter 5: Measuring Length and Time

Chapter 6: Multiplication and Division Facts

Chapter 7: 2-D Geometry

Chapter 8: Area and Grids

Chapter 9: Multiplying Greater Numbers

Chapter 10: Dividing Greater Numbers

Chapter 11: 3-D Geometry and 3-D Measurement 

Chapter 12: Fractions and Decimals

Chapter 13: Probability

Chapter 14: Patterns and Motion in Geometry

Note :  The following link can take you to get more hands on exercises.


Hope this will help you.

EQAO - Primary (Grade - 3) - Info



EQAO - Educational Quality and Accountability Office

EQAO - Tests will be conducted in the following subjects

1. Mathematics
2. Language
      a) Reading
      b) Writing

Note: Here is the sample Student Book for Grade -3 (Primary Section)

Note: EQAO provides lots of Practice Tests and Student Books from the years 2003-2004 to 2010-2011 (7 years).  You can find them from the following -


Hope this will help you.

Monday, November 14, 2011


I love math

Kids always think that Math is so boring and it is so hard.  Some kids always skip math classes or they don't concentrate on the subject at all.

Math is the magic of numbers from 0 to 9 and it is combination of four symbols .

If you want to be genious in Math, you should love math and you should think that doing math is fun.

Math is fun

You got to think in your mind that you are going to do some magic with numbers which is fun.  That's how you love math and that makes you genious in math.

Hope you will all have fun with Math, when you follow simple techniques and tricks.

If you have any questions, please mail me.

Athreya Kidambi